

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Accidental Death Summary Report July-Sept 2024

Accidental Death Summary Report July-Sept 2024

04/12/2024 18/12/2024 View (8 MB)
Publication of notification u/s 21(1) & (2) in respect of 18.00 Mtr. wide road development at.Village Chene, Survey no. 1,2,90,91 & 148 Tal. & Dist.Thane.

Publication of notification u/s 21(1) & (2) in respect of 18.00 Mtr. wide road development at.Village Chene, Survey no. 1,2,90,91 & 148 Tal. & Dist.Thane.

08/12/2023 07/12/2024 View (1 MB)
Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. At Pogaon, Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane

Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. At Pogaon, Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane

21/10/2024 20/11/2024 View (349 KB)
Quotation purchase of area specific mineral mixture.

Quotation purchase of area specific mineral mixture.

07/10/2024 14/10/2024 View (1 MB)
Tender of excavation of sand from reti ghat in Vasai Creek, Palghar / Thane district and transportation of excavated sand to depot, production and management of depot for year 2024-2025

Tender of excavation of sand from reti ghat in Vasai Creek, Palghar / Thane district and transportation of excavated sand to depot, production and management of depot for year 2024-2025

01/10/2024 07/10/2024 View (2 MB)
Tender for excavation of sand from retighat in Ulhas river Thane district and transportation of excavated sand to depot, production and management of depot for year 2024-2025

Tender for excavation of sand from retighat in Ulhas river Thane district and transportation of excavated sand to depot, production and management of depot for year 2024-2025

01/10/2024 07/10/2024 View (1 MB)
Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 87/2, area 0-48-50 Hq., At Chene, Tal. Dist. Thane

Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 87/2, area 0-48-50 Hq., At Chene, Tal. Dist. Thane

26/08/2024 25/09/2024 View (199 KB)
Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 282/1, area 1-67-90 Hq, At Kolshet, Tal. Dist.Thane

Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 282/1, area 1-67-90 Hq, At Kolshet, Tal. Dist.Thane

23/08/2024 22/09/2024 View (305 KB)
Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 56/3, area 0-14-70 Hq., At Varaskol, Tal. Shahapur, Dist.Thane

Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No. 56/3, area 0-14-70 Hq., At Varaskol, Tal. Shahapur, Dist.Thane

12/08/2024 11/09/2024 View (306 KB)
Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No.52/1/B, area 0-70-40 Hq., Survey No.54/3, area 0-38-10 Hq., Survey No.76/2/B, area 1-80-0 Hq., At Varaskol, Tal.Shahapur, Dist. Thane At Chane, Tal. Dist. Thane.

Public Notice to be given under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1975. Land bearing Survey No.52/1/B, area 0-70-40 Hq., Survey No.54/3, area 0-38-10 Hq., Survey No.76/2/B, area 1-80-0 Hq., At Varaskol, Tal.Shahapur, Dist. Thane At Chane, Tal. Dist. Thane.

09/08/2024 08/09/2024 View (287 KB)